Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Hello!  My name is Katy.  Let me tell you a little bit about who I am.

I am a 22 year old student.  I graduated in May from the University of Southern Mississippi (Souther Miss, To The Top!!) with a bachelors in History.  I spent the summer with my friends and moved up to Oxford in August.  Currently I am a law student at the University of Mississippi (Hotty Toddy!).  I am taking all my required 1L first semester classes which include Contracts, Property, Legal Writing and Research, Torts and Civil Procedure I.  For future reference, I'll generally refer both to Legal Writing and Research and Civil Procedure I in the short hand, LWR and CivPro.  I'm on my fourth week in law school, and so far it's gone pretty smoothly, but then I haven't been called on yet xD

I, along, with my friend Stephanie (I'll let her tell you her story), decided it would be fun to blog about our experiences as grad school students, particularly because we are in different programs.

Hope you enjoy!